Monday, 31 August 2015

Complete Laminate Flooring at Best Prices NZ

The flooring you choose for your home or office can make all the difference in the impression that space makes.  Laminated flooring has the sophisticated look and the design of stone, ceramic and hardwood.  It is easy to install, durable, requires little maintenance and is resistant to stains and scratches.  Here are some qualities that make this flooring ideal for any space:

1. Easy to install 

 Installing this type of flooring is a simple two step process.  It does not require any fasteners or glue because it has an interlocking system.  It is the perfect DIY project.  These floors allow you to keep your regular floor underneath, and with the laminate you can create a floating floor on top.  This will allow for expansion and contraction depending on the changes in humidity and temperature.

Timber Flooring Auckland

2. Durability 

 Laminate flooring NZ is made of a hybrid of different materials that have been fused together making it very durable and strong. In addition, the top layer of the floor has a protective layer that is resistant to dents and scratches from high heels, pets or furniture.  It is this same layer that protects the floor from wear and tear, fading and stains.  The floor is also resistant to moisture and very stable.  It does not suffer from warping over time.

3. Thickness  

Top notch laminate floors are quite dense and will sound and feel like finest timber flooring Auckland whenever you are walking on it.  The best thickness will range between 8 and 12 mm.